thank you orange for your effort in getting us together: somewhere. among the many thankses i owe you, here is one. halo to everyone else reading our site it may or maynot make much sence to you.
it does to me, i am oum - for mango and my pal orange - or tang as i would love to call her - for tangerine..so here we are with you, my friends : sharing our dreams, passions, fears and love. and yes! the first comment mostly are frm me.. oops.. do read them..oum
la terre bleu

la terre bleu
Yves Klein
The Statue of Justice, depicted as a woman with a sword in one hand and scale in her other, is seen on top of the London Central Criminal Court, the Old Bailey in London August 12, 2005.
the observer & the observed
bladerunner is a must see. didnt get parts of the movie, but guess figured the philosophy. set in 2019 (not too far off) LA, the main theme revolves around these 'made up' humans called replacements. ...who are used for wars/ menial work etc and then executed (retired). the climax is awsome where you realise that the villan is not really a villan...sets are great especially the big moving screen (which also is a 100 storey bldg. facade) that appears off and on with a image of a woman's face, the interior spaces and ligtht effects..very well designed. although it gets spooky at times...maybe they could have intergrated scenes with more lighted spaces.
here is an analysis of the philosophy---
the observer who is yourslef, is made up of memories, experiences, accidents, influences, traditions & infinite types of suffering, all of which are past. the observer is both the past & the present & tomorrow is waiting & that is also a part of him. He is half alive & half dead.
One image, as the observer, observes dozens of other images around himself & inside himself, & he either likes them and keeps them or dislikes them and discards them. But the observer himself has been put together by the various images which have come into being through reaction to various other images. The other images are the result of judgements, opinions & conclusions by the observer, & the observer is the result of all the other images - therefore the observer is the observed. (J K - Freedom from the Known)
coming back to the q Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? ofcourse they do, since its only an image from their past/ present/ future life. Just like an artist painting a tree becomes the experiencer experiencing the beauty, the movement, the shadow, the depth of a leaf, the quality of colr etc...and at some point he does not identify the tree but becomes the tree. there was no space between the observer and the observed...similarly at some point the androids become the sheep.
to tread the sharp edge of a sword,
to run on smooth frozen ice,
one needs no footsteps to follow.
walk over the cliffs with hands free..
do androids dream of electric sheep?